We know many of you are staying at home with your young people right now and are helping them to learn at home while many of you also continue to work. First of all: KUDOS TO YOU! You are doing your best and we are proud of all of you for taking care of yourselves and our community by staying at home. Thank you. And we miss you tons.

Because we miss you, our Youth Education team has been hard at work, putting together a list of activities that you can do at home or in your yard or around your block with your young people. We hope you continue to observe social distancing and safe practices while doing these and we hope you enjoy!

Take a Virtual Tour of Zenger Farm! Check out this amazing tour of Zenger Farm. See if you can follow our scavenger hunt as you go. Thanks to Frank G at PSU for the map!

Nature Bingo! If you can, print this sheet and take it on a walk around your neighborhood. See how many you can find! Thanks to Ebony for creating this awesome resource.

Animal Walk! Check out this fun movement game built by our awesome educator, Ebony.

Sundial! Create your own sundial to tell time using just the power of the sun and a few materials you might have at home. (Thanks to education.com for this resource)

Creature Feature! Use materials you find outside or even in your house to create your own invented creature, complete with special powers of your own invention. (Ebony made this one too!)

Chickens and Sunlight. How do chickens change their behavior based on sunlight? Find out in this fun farm activity. Thanks to Evon for creating this one!

Apple Bar Recipe. Check out this delicious recipe from our friends at OSU’s Food Hero program.

Herb Water Recipe. A deliciously refreshing treat to make with your kids. Also from Food Hero.

ReGrow at Home. Grow your own veggies from scraps in your kitchen. No garden required!

Farm Matching Game. Print and cut this game and find the match on each card. (This game is speficially tailored to 5th grade science standards but anyone is welcome to play). Thanks to Jai for creating this game!

Eat a Rainbow! This activity shows how different fruits and vegetables help our bodies in different ways and you get to draw your body and add all your favorite foods to it. Thanks to Evon for this resource!

Power Plate. Learn all about how different foods help us grow and get to make your own power plate! Thanks to Evon for creating this activity.

Rainbow Soup! This fun recipe can be adapted to put in all your favorite vegetables. Try to add one of every color!

Rainbow Coloring Page. Can you color every vegetable on this fun page?

Faces in the Woods! Take this one outside to add some faces to some nature friends. Thanks to Ebony for another awesome activity!

Build a Bird’s Nest. Build your own nest using materials you find outside. Thanks to Ebony for this resource.

We hope these activities help you and your youth have a little bit of fun learning time. If you do any of these activities, we’d love to see them! Tag us @zengerfarm on social media so we can find them. Hope to see you soon on the farm!

By |April 6, 2020|Kids Activities|Comments Off