Sending off longtime board member Kristi McFarland

After many years of service, board member Kristi McFarland has reached the end of her term at Zenger Farm. We are so grateful to Kristi for her tireless dedication to our mission and values. She has been an invaluable member of our team!

Read Kristi’s thoughtful reflection on her board service below — we couldn’t be happier that she has so many fond memories of our farm. We hope her letter inspires and encourages you.

We are currently seeking new board members to join the Zenger Farm team! Our Board is a key support in steering the vision and development of Zenger Farm. In order to carry out our mission, developing a group of strong community leaders willing to volunteer their time, ideas, and network is essential. If you are interested in joining our board,click here.

As I come to the end of my term as a Zenger Farm board member, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the last six years, and to thank all of your for your dedication to the mission of the farm, access to good food for all, dismantling racism, and building a more just and equitable food system.

My first experience with Zenger Farm was on a volunteer day with other folks from New Seasons. I was struck by the sense of place, this little pocket of farmland and orchards along a busy road dotted with mini marts and auto salvage. A place where a kid could breathe in some fresh air and stick their hands in the dirt and chase chickens. The beauty of the Pacific Northwest, the beauty of curious kids at play, the beauty of sharing food and traditions, and the beauty of a shared smile in community coming together to create a certain kind of magic.

Some of my favorite memories have been sitting in a circle with kiddos learning about the wetlands on a felt map, eating some amazing food at the Asian, Black and Latinx chefs dinners, work parties and harvest times. I’ve also appreciated the hard conversations, organizational growing pains, and tremendous progress on a transformational journey. It has been difficult and has challenged us personally and collectively. I am grateful to those of you who have continued to lead through the change, and to those of you who have recently engaged with new energy.

It can be draining to keep moving forward, especially with all of the challenges of 2020.  But please, keep going!  The work you are doing is important, meaningful and making a difference.

A kid who learns about real food and learns to love veggies will have improved health for their lifetime. A chef who gains confidence in a small community class may build her business into something that sustains her and her family for years to come. A farm apprentice who builds skills in a summer may go on to tend their own land, honoring tradition and stewardship for generations. A staff member who grows in their career while navigating through change will one day mentor others with the wisdom they’ve gained.

I have no doubt that you will continue to serve the community, the land and each other. Please also remember to take good care of yourselves and make space for replenishing your reserves.  While my board term is officially wrapping up, I remain a fan of Zenger Farm and all of you.

– Kristi McFarland
Zenger Farm Board, 2014-2020

By |December 22, 2020 BlogUncategorized |Comments Off