With elections around the corner, we will be publishing a series of posts about ballot measures of great importance to us here at Zenger Farm.  Today, we encourage our community to vote “Yes” on ballot measure 26-201, the Portland Clean Energy Initiative.

The Portland Clean Energy Initiative means $30 million in new annual revenue for clean energy and clean energy jobs in Portland. Nonprofit organizations, alone or in partnership with for-profit companies, schools and/or other government agencies, can apply for grants from this revenue to weatherize homes, install solar and other renewable energy projects, provide job and contractor training, expand local food production and build green infrastructure in Portland.

The revenue is raised by a new 1% business licensing surcharge on the Portland revenue generated by retail corporations with over $1 billion in annual revenue and at least $500,000 in Portland revenue.  Zenger Farm strongly supports the bills emphasis on climate action that benefits low income and people of color communities.  Our work to advance a just food system in Portland would be greatly advanced by the $3-$4.5 million per year invested in regenerative agriculture.  To learn more about the Portland Clean Energy Initiative visit https://www.portlandcleanenergyinitiative.com/about/ or watch this short video

By |October 22, 2018Uncategorized|Comments Off